Analog Algorithm


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Hello Dave,

i don’t know for sure if these were the first two words, when Christoph contacted me a year ago. But they would have fit perfectly. A very personal graphic design project somehow in the shine of the fascinating 2001: A Space Odyssey by Stanly Kubrick. I felt very moved when Christoph asked me if we could exchange about the theoretical concept of his project – and agreed immediately.

My first impression of the draft he send me was: This is an undreamt of deep insight into the creative craft of a master. Something that you would like to have from all artists, designers and thinkers that are relevant to you. I am big fan of Christoph graphic design. He has the flexibility to design brilliant visuals for Swarovski, while he is at the same time creating bold stuff in the tradition of The Designers Republic. 

But such an intimate insight into the personal ways of working is a very precious moment. And will be a valuable inspiration for many designers. 

Inspired by Karl Gerstner, Christoph doesn’t just show a cool design solutions as a portfolio with some making-of stories and practical insights. Rather, he hands over a program to the reader, which one can use or not.

He uses in his working process generative design methods, but  he never runs the risk of losing the human creative self-confidence to an artificial intelligence. The development of a grid as an organizational structure and the creative process of cautious intervention do not threaten to be handed over to a HAL 9000 designer.

The following video maybe creates the feeling that I felt, when I was reading the first draft of “Analog Algorithm” late at night. 


This book is a fascinating lucid transmission from Christoph.

Check the website:


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By David Gilbert
